Website with various data science and machine learning resources
Project maintained by AdiBroHosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham
Places to Get Interesting Datasets
Kaggle - one of the best known data science websites. Home to a ton of datasets and data science competitions. - a data collaboration platform (kind of a social networok for data scientists) with a ton of datasets, organized by topics.
Google’s Dataset Search - “Dataset Search enables users to find datasets stored across thousands of repositories on the Web, making these datasets universally accessible and useful.”
Awesome Public Datasets - a GitHub repository with (awesome!) public datasets, organizied by topics/fields.
Awesome Datasets - a curated list of awesome datasets for papers/experiments/validation.
The 50 Best Free Datasets for Machine Learning” - “What are some open datasets for machine learning? We at Gengo decided to create the ultimate cheat sheet for high quality datasets. These range from the vast (looking at you, Kaggle) or the highly specific (data for self-driving cars).”